Kickoff JANUAry 2024

contact Robert Frazier at if interested

What is the Reproducing Churches Catalyst?

Leaders must have followers. And when a man or woman has a group of people following them that proclaim Christ, then they have a “church.” Every neighborhood and community around the world needs a church as the doorway to bring heaven down to Earth, so we must start more churches!

The more churches planted, the greater impact for the Kingdom. This the key focus of the Reproducing Churches Catalyst (RCC).

We need all forms of the church reproducing to reach all people in a city or region; meaning house churches, micro churches, traditional churches, digital churches, and everything in between.

Whether you’ve planted one church or many churches, the RCC can help you to streamline your efforts to maximize your effectiveness and increase impact.

This platform will help you mobilize simple, sustainable systems as well as understand how to keep churches healthy as they reproduce.

Every church will also leave with a map for an Action Learning Plan to help you create an implementation plan for immediate application.

We'll do this through:

-regular zoom and in-person training gatherings

-content, integration and practice

The cohort will be led by Robert Frazier. If you're interested in joining, or simply want more information, click the button below!


The Reproducing Churches Catalyst (RCC) is provided through NewThing Network, a church planting network that exists to catalyze reproducing disciples, leaders, churches, networks, and movements.

To learn more about NewThing and The Movement System, click here.

How much does the RCC cost?

It's completely free for you and any members of your staff team to join!


Contact Robert Frazier.

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